Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Forget Toys, I've found better things to PLAY with!

Ever wonder why we bother buying our children, even special needs children, any and everything to assist with their growth, development, and overall play skills?

Oh my gosh, I'm hearing my dad in my head again saying "I told you so" and "you shouldn't be wasting your money on that"!

Somehow you just don't want them to miss any opportunity to learn something new...or have the hippest toy.

All the while hoping that you know more than your parents do because this is YOUR child and YOU know them better than THEY do...right?

How is that with all the new technology and
innovation in today's modern world........

from one generation to the next..........

a cardboard box or laundry basket is the best imaginative toy to date that has the power to capture a child's creative side more than a Leap Frog toy ever could?

(with the exception of our child who must also have a side of Disney or a DVD to watch at all times!)


Robyn Jones said...

hehehe...this killed me! So true!

Anonymous said...

Ain't that the truth...just keep this post away from my parents cuz i'm not admitting a thing ;)

theotherlion said...

Oh my goodness! I have a very similar picture with my son sitting in a cardboard box with his Elmo, watching a movie! Our parents are right, but I'm not telling them, either!