When I got to mama's to pick him up, Kyle had not had a nap

Now with FXS and autism you have to be very patient.......something I have never been....and allow them to come to you. You can not force them to do anything, because it will most definitely backfire on you.

Today, Gator suggested that we go to Spartanburg for dinner and a movie because he had to go by the office and Verizon anyway. We decided on Red Lobster, where Kyle ate every shrimp on his plate

When we got to the theater, we had to hurry Kyle past the concession stands and into the restrooms before he could pitch a fit for popcorn...which is one of his most favorite foods! Of course, Gator later went back and rewarded his good behavior with a bag of the buttery goodness, which he hoarded and ate almost every kernel.

P.S. Later on last night, Kyle climbed up in my lap on the couch