The Face of Autism
Autism, is not something you can detect by first looking at someone, nor by a simple test. Parents must use their gut instincts, probe their pediatricians, and fight for the best of everything for their child. And how is this different from every other 'normal' parent out there? Autism Spectrum Disorders vary in levels of ability and skills, so there must be hours of tests, evaluations, and varying types of doctors who pour over what your child can and can not do. The heartache, the devasting news, the evaporating dreams...................all seems to have gone with the few spoken words "I'm sorry, your child has Autism". But with those words comes other dreams and the wish every parent has of keeping their baby forever....well parents of non-verbal autistic children get to delay their child growing up for awhile longer. I know I've certainly enjoyed that part!!! You also look at others never know what it going on with parents and their children. So please learn to be considerate when out in public and a child is having a hissy fit, because otherwise you might hear me or another parent of a special needs child say "Welcome to Autism (Downs Syndrome, etc)".
April is Autism Awareness Month...
learn the signs of autism,
spread awareness,
educate others,
and hug an Autistic child today!
Kyle is just dang cute. I'm glad to hear he's talking more :) Can't Wait to see you guys again.
That is a great picture of him!!!
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