Thursday, June 11, 2009

At what point....

At what point do I give up on a child?
At what point do I give up on the parent?
At what point do I say its not worth it?
At what point do I stop giving?
At what point do I not care?
At what point do I stop questioning why?

Why? A simple question it would seem.
But why does a child have autism?
Why does a parent fight the doctors?
Why does a parent fight the schools?
Why does a parent fight the critics?
Why does a parent fight the system?

Why? Because there is a CHILD! So....
I don't stop questioning why!
I don't stop caring!
I don't stop giving!
I don't stop saying its worth it!
I don't stop fighting!
I don't stop LOVING the most precious thing in the innocent child!

An innocent child that has a whole life ahead of them.
An innocent child that has a lot to give.
An innocent child that matters.
An innocent child that is special.
An innocent child that is loving.
An innocent child that is autistic.
An innocent child that is mine!